  • Cover Tapes

Cover Tapes

Cover tapes are required for dipsticks to maintain good contact between the membrane, the sample pad, and the sink pad. These also prevent evaporation of reagents besides offering mechanical strength to delicate test components.

mdi cover tapes use special adhesives which are non-reactive and non-migrating, and therefore do not interfere with the nitrocellulose membrane characteristics to affect its flow properties.

Masking Tape MT1 and MT2
Clear Tape CT
These are used on the absorbent pad (MT1), and sample pad (MT2) sides of the test strip.
Clear transparent tapes cover the NC membrane. These are required specially to reduce the effect of sample evaporation when serum tests are run in hot weather.
Product Description
Type Strip/Reels Length Strip/Reels Width Quantity (Nos.)
*MT1 As per requirement **As per requirement As per requirement

     * MT1 and MT2 is only available in strip format

     ** Maximum strip/reels width is 5cm


MT2 30 cm 3 cm --
  • Masking Tape MT1
  • Masking Tape MT2
  • Clear Tape CT
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