
PlasmaDrop Kits for Free Liquid Plasma

Many Point of Care (POC) instruments require free plasma for the diagnostic tests to be conducted. This necessitates the removal of red blood cells from whole blood sample. Although centrifugation technique is commonly used, it requires sample to be sent to the lab. Some devices separate RBC from the whole blood but do not provide free plasma as it remains in the separation matrix only.

MDI PlasmaDrop Kit overcomes this problem and makes available a fixed volume plasma from whole blood in a few minutes for Biochemical, Immunological as well as Molecular Biology assays.

The Technology

Whole blood sample is allowed to pass through an RBC retentive medium. Free plasma gets accumulated in a reservoir. By squeezing the device, plasma is driven out and collected in a fixed volume dropper. The dropper is then used to deliver the free plasma to a point of care (POC) instrument/ device .

The Kit

The kit consists of a device with RBC retentive medium, a squeeze bulb and a fixed volume dropper for collection and delivery of a fixed volume of free plasma. These are available in different sizes to deliver 2μl and 5μl plasma from finger prick. Larger devices are also available for 10μl and 25μl free plasma.

  • Delivers a fixed volume of free plasma from whole blood samples
  • Delivers the rated amount of plasma at even 50% hematocrit levels
  • Free plasma is recovered in <5 minutes

The Plasma Separation Kit finds application in:

  • Patient bed side testing where liquid plasma is required for qualitative and quantitative assays
  • POC instruments and ambulances
  • Acute care medical ward testing of patients for admission in ICU and critical care
  • Remote areas where lab facilities are not available
  • Resource limited settings when centrifuge and electricity are not easily available

PD-02 (2 µl)PDXK02XXXXXXX02
PD-05 (5 µl)PDXK05XXXXXXX02
PD-10 (10 µl)PDXK10XXXXXXX02
PD-25 (25 µl)PDXK25XXXXXXX02
Datasheet Download

Effect of Blood Volume on liquid plasma recovery

   Effect of Hematocrit Level on liquid plasma recovery