  • Nitrocellulose Membrane

Nitrocellulose Membrane

The development of rapid diagnostic tests involves selection and validation of various test components. Many permutation-combinations are tried before freezing a set of components for a newly developed test. This makes it very important that all the components exhibit high inter and intra-lot consistency.

Keeping pace with advances in detection technologies, mdi thoroughly understands the assay design process and offers a wide variety of very high quality rapid test components.

Pore Size (Wicking Time)Typical Application
5, 8 μm (180-220 sec)
  • HbsAg Serum Test
  • Urine Ab Tests
  • Environmental and Agricultural Analytes
  • Milk Testing
10, 12 μm (110-150 sec)
  • hCG
  • Heart disease markers
  • Cancer markers
  • Drugs of Abuse
  • Infectious disease tests
  • Whole blood tests
  • Environmental and Agriculture analytes
15 μm (70-90 sec)
  • hCG
  • Malaria
  • Whole blood tests
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Membrane Type
CNPC-SS12,15 µm
CNPF-SN12, 10 µm
Width of roll (in mm)*
25 mm
20 mm
28 mm
Length of roll (in meters**)
50 M or 100 M
50 M or 100 M
50 M or 100 M
20,000 M
15,000 M
18,000 M

* The width is as per the customer requirement. 25 mm is most widely used membrane size.

** The membranes in reel form are supplied on standard 3 inches plastic core.

Type: CNPCDownload
Type: CNPFDownload
Type: CNPHDownload
Pore Size (Wicking Time)
Characteristics5, 8 μm (180-220 sec)10, 12 μm (110-150 sec)15 μm (70-90 sec)
Migration SpeedSlowerMediumFaster
Test TimeLongerMediumQuick
Line IntensitySharpSharpRelatively Diffused

A wide variety of membranes is available to meet the requirements of different tests. These membranes are directly cast on a transparent polyester backing to improve the handling strength. Standard polyester film is 100 μm thick, although other thickness can be available on order.

  • Type CNPF - Lower protein binding
  • Type CNPC - Higher protein binding
  • Type CNPH-N - Highest protein binding

mdi recommends storage of membrane rolls in original foil packing at 15 °C to 20 °C for longer shelf life. The membrane rolls should be kept away from direct sunlight and heat radiators. The membrane is inflammable when subjected to direct heat.